3 Reasons Why Leaving the Place You Were Born and Starting Over Could be the Best Thing You Ever Did

I promise your horizons expand.

Sameena Mughal
3 min readDec 12, 2020
Photo by Jordan Wozniak on Unsplash

Since I was 15 years old, I wanted to leave Lansdale, Pennsylvania, the working-class town that fate chose for me to born in. It took me over 25 years to leave for good. When I made that decision, the journey called life only got better.

If you do the same, it can only get better for you.

Here’s why.

  1. You learn other people’s perspectives.

When we live in one place our whole lives, we tend to only see from that vantage point. We tend to forget that a whole world exists beyond our little corners. I know being born in the North shaped a view of the South that was biased into my adulthood. I didn’t realize until I moved here how biased I was.

Those biases were based on television and film stereotypes I was bombarded with throughout my childhood. I rarely had contact with a southerner in my day-to-day life, so I had no way of knowing how diverse the South can actually be until I moved here.

Before that, I traveled here many times. When I took a southern solo road trip in 2015, I kept in mind that I am a brown woman who isn’t Christian roaming around. Of course, my fear didn’t…



Sameena Mughal

Former teacher who retired early to pursue a passion for writing. Personal development content writer and fiction author. Dog mom. www.sameenakmughal.com